We are continuing our talk on the subject of the Aquarian age, or shall we say the future of mankind on earth? We would remind those who listened patiently to our last talk that we roughly explained the purpose of the last age, the Piscean age, and enlarged upon the bearing these great ages had upon the spiritual evolution of earth’s humanity. Now you will be looking forward to hearing something about the wonderful and beautiful things likely to come in this new Aquarian age. You do right to look forward to better conditions of life and to greater happiness and harmony on the earth. We would, however, remind you that nothing is attained lightly, and humanity must work for any happiness which is likely to come. We say likely to come. Man* has been given power or freewill choice. One likes to think they can choose this path or that and, proudly, will sometimes go to any lengths to assert this freedom.
The great thing in this new age is going to be a twofold development of both the human and the divine nature, the human being and the divine being. You will have already noticed that powerful mental development has its dangers; side by side with this development there will be the opportunity for great spiritual unfoldment. Thus the first thing to be attained by man in this new age will be self-realisation—realisation of his own soul-powers, his own spiritual powers.

Some of you will accept this truth, for there are today many groups who are doing pioneer work in preparation for this new Age of Aquarius. Because they are pioneers they are liable to be criticised and scoffed at by others who are not ready to accept or even to comprehend the measure of soul development which is already taking place in the world. These groups of pioneers are agents or representatives of the Great White Brotherhood behind the veil. This Brotherhood is composed of men and women who have attained a degree of mastery over physical matter. Having passed through their training they have acquired a spiritual degree. They draw close to the earth to help the younger members of the community to develop certain qualities and soul powers. Together with development of these soul powers must go development of character and of spiritual qualities. The many beautiful qualities within human nature are going to be brought forth in this new age. Let us consider only the material things that are likely to come about. There will be a further overcoming of time and space – this is happening today, is it not? – and consequently a lessening of distance. Before very long transport will seem so rapid that distance will disappear. Man is already beginning to extend his term of life in the physical body and there will come a further prolongation. Life will become longer, because as man evolves he will touch divine wisdom. He will not recognise at first that he has touched divine wisdom. This divine truth will percolate through the mental body and this mental body will grow very powerful at first in the new age. You are seeing indications of this already in the worship of the intellect and the achievements of the brain and the mind, but this will pass and there will come development of the spiritual qualities, the Christ qualities, and a breaking down of mental arrogance. This is of the utmost importance and necessary, because without this other influence to qualify the strong mental development, man would destroy himself through the uncovering of the secrets of nature. Today, you see, mankind has arrived at a certain cycle in his spiral of evolution on which he is getting more spiritual balance. So these destructive powers of the mind will in time be held in check, but not without work and effort, as we have already reminded you.

It is one thing to acquire mental knowledge and power, but another to apply or to use what you have wisely. You see what we are driving at? Unless man follows the path outlined by the master of the Piscean age, man will prove his own destroyer. He can destroy himself. We do not think he will, but he can. In individual cases this destructive power can be seen at work in the life. Every person has to learn his infinite possibilities, has to develop his infinite powers, and then must apply or use them as God meant him to use them. To this end we have the wisdom of the sages, through the past ages, teaching man the correct and wise way of life, showing him the path of his soul. In a way it does not matter much if people are wilful and insist on taking the lefthand path. It is only like a man banging his head against a brick wall. The wise man does not batter his head to pieces. He follows the quiet and orderly way of progress and takes the righthand path. The sooner humanity recognises the fact that it is subject to divine law, the quicker it will enter into this state of harmony and happiness. The object of life here is that you may realise, may find, may create your own heaven on earth. You do not depend on outside things if you are a true candidate. You create your heaven. Then you are in your heaven here and now.