The classic philosophers made a point of the interrelationship between disposition and health. They underlined and supported their opinions with excellent factual references. They believed in the good disposition as an appropriate vestment for an enlightened soul. There is no time or place in this world for negative expenditure of the basic materials from which our personalities are fashioned. We must control ourselves, or our mistakes will catch up with us. When we try to be happy without growing and deserving abetter destiny, we simply steal-or try to steal-the happiness of others. We wish to take their energy or live their lives without earning a better future. What we are trying to accomplish is a rich reward we have not earned. This is contrary to Divine and natural law. Our mistakes either continue to burden us or we learn to outgrow them. Ifwe outgrow them, the energy resources are normalized in ourselves and we can look forward to a better future. As there is living energy in our bodies and in space, so there are manufactured energies such as fuel and all of the protections that enlightened civilization has bestowed. International peace, freedom from crime, and the brotherhood of man are built and supported by energy; and, if we fail to use these accomplishments as they were intended, we burden the earth with tragedy and disaster. The law of karma works especially through the energy allotments-the way in which they are employed and the accompanying presence or lack of respect for them.

The esoteric tradition presents difficulties for which no generally acceptable solution is available. These points, therefore, are presented to suggest further exploration. The sun is the light and life-giver of the solar system. That it is real and efficient no one can really doubt. The sun is a star, while planets are prenatal bodies. They are embryos depending for existence upon the magnetic field of the sun within which they were created and by means of which they endure. As far as we are concerned, we seem to be individuals living on an individual body in space and moving about a still greater individual body which we call the sun. Actually, the human being and the planet are both embryos, living because of an invisible umbilical cord through which we attain the life and energy from the sun by which we maintain our existence. Ifit seems incredible that one solar power can maintain an infinite number of living creatures, we need only examine our own bodies with their magnificent regimentation of parts. The physical body is not a single entity. Each organ has inalienable rights. The stomach can be wiser than the human being who feeds it. Every possible care should be taken to protect energy. Some of the ways we can protect it is by avoiding exhaustion, in which we overtax resources, or by refraining from various indulgences which corrupt the normal functions of the human body. It is difficult to imagine that the individual’s stomach is a substation for solar energy. Antiquity made a great point of the human being understanding himself-for lack of that understanding permits him to commit involuntary suicide. It is this same life energy which together we venerate and share. It is pleasing to reverentially acknowledge the source of our vitality but mandatory to keep the rules of right use.
To recapitulate, solar energy which flows from the sun to the earth has one peculiarity which is generally ignored. Between the sun and the earth is the moon, which is no longer the recipient of the solar power. This helps to demonstrate that the sun does not inevitably vitalize forms. When their lives are finished, it can permit them to die. There are many mysteries here, and by one of them we learn that some of the rays of the sun which descend upon the earth make a detour, pausing to be reflected from the moon. As a result of this, the solar energy enters into the human body, dividing into creative energy, protective energy, and disintegrative energy. All of these are living processes essential to the balance of life forces. The various aspects between the sun and moon are responsible, at least in part, for the infinite diversity of the expression of energy on our planet. Energy, therefore, becomes available to keep us healthy, energize our search for knowledge, and contemplate the infinite future which we must all face in due time. Every step of the way is vitalized. Everything we do is a manifestation of the power to do; and it all originates in the sun, the light of which shines down upon us in the daytime. While it is dark at night, we have to remember that there are alternations of life and rest in all forms that have not become complete living entities. Moons and earths have variations of light, but the sun shines both day and night.

Considerable information is now available on the destructive power of inharmonic vibrations. Psychologists in many fields have warned their clients that rock music endangers the health of adult listeners and may be contributing to juvenile delinquency. In Southern Italy a form of dancing called the tarantella has saved many a life. Ifa person is bitten by a tarantula, strenuous dancing is still regarded as the best remedy. The intoning of mantrams, chanting, or congregational singing-if performed over a lifetime-alters disposition and neutralizes a variety of neurotic pressures. The modem world is a vast noise-laden environment. Many persons are the victims of sound sequences that affect the nervous system from the cradle to the grave. Discordant noises can affect the psychological integration of city dwellers, and society is beginning to realize that it is as easy to be drowned in sound as in water. Some of the classical civilizations considered unnecessary noise to be a criminal offense and any form of dissonance as at least a misdemeanor. As we improve the rules governing human relationships, we often live longer; but much of the reclaimed time is contributing to miseries and sorrows. The ancients taught that music was a gift bestowed by the gods in order that contentment and peace might triumph throughout the world. Unfortunately, many human beings lack the sensitivity to protect themselves from the damages caused by the discords of undisciplined sounds often referred to as noise. As surely as effects follow their causes, the concords of inspired song or instrumental music were conducive to the advance of civilization and the ennoblement of human character.